Adoption & Foster Care

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. - James 1:27

The Legacy Adoption and Orphan Care Ministry provides opportunities for each of us to serve the 130 million orphaned and waiting children worldwide, as we strive to live out James 1:27. Our ministry is focused in a few key areas.

Adoption & Foster Care

The Legacy Adoption Ministry is designed to provide connections and social gatherings for the many adoptive and foster families at Hillcrest and in our community. Additionally, as couples consider building their family through adoption or foster care, we try to connect them to a church family who has “been there” before them, to relate to, encourage and offer prayer support along the journey. In everything, we strive to share the beauty of Jesus with the world through the adoption message, as it parallels the story of our own adoption as children of God.

Legacy Adoption Fund

The Legacy Fund aids families with the financial aspect of adoption. 

Considering adoption or foster care?

Email and we’ll put you in touch with someone who has walked this road before!

HOP (Honduran Orphan Partnership)

HOP Teams are short-term learning and serving experiences for teams sent from Hillcrest to visit and support the goals of our partner orphanage, La Providencia in Siguatepeque, Honduras.  HOP Teams typically visit for one to two weeks and have different focuses including: work projects, helping in the school, community teaching, sports & VBS programs, and relational work with the La Providencia children, families and staff.  To learn more about La Providencia, go to

Honduras Church to Family Sponsorship

Church to Family Sponsorship allows Hillcrest families to participate in supporting adoptive families at La Providencia through prayer and financial contributions. To learn more about this meaningful partnership contact Jill Rau.