All Nations Global Partners

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.

Matthew 28:19

Taking the Gospel to All Nations is a key part of our mission at Hillcrest. It's the great commission given by Jesus.  Hillcrest supports All Nations partners in a number of countries around the world, both financially and with prayer support. Many of these partners have been called out of our own church family to serve communities all over the world.

Short-Term Missions

Interested in joining us on a short-term mission trip? We periodically offer opportunities to serve with a group locally with one of our All Nations partners.

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All Nations Partners

Our All Nations Team would love to help you learn how you can support and serve these partners.


Hillcrest's Church To Family Partnership sponsors some of the children attending and living at La Providencia, an Orphan Care Community. 


Partners focus on church-based leadership training in order to help Poles plant Polish churches.


Partners share the Gospel through internet-based outreach, English conversation groups, tract distribution and friendship evangelism. They also hold Bible studies.


A single partner ministers to women by teaching ladies’ Sunday School, individual discipleship classes and personal connection. She serves children through weekly Bible clubs and VBS programs. She also leads Bible studies and teaches sign language to the deaf community.


Partners are living in this area preparing to serve an unreached people group needing the gospel. They are currently doing intensive study of the language and culture.


These partners assist churches in Southern Wisconsin in reaching kids with the Gospel through Bible stories, Scripture memorization and games. They also train AWANA leaders and coordinate events through the region.


Our partners serve with Cru's Latino ministry, Destino, in the Twin Cities metro area. They help introduce both local students and international college students to Christ, building them up in their faith, and preparing them to be laborers for Christ wherever they go next.


Partners direct Cru ministries at UW-Madison, UW-Whitewater & Edgewood and on some high school campuses. Cru ministers to students through evangelism, discipleship, Bible studies and a weekly gathering called Prime Time.


Partners work to share Christ’s love and message with neighbors who are immigrants from Northern Africa. They also train people to work with this people group.


Partners serve in Southeast Florida where they assist local churches with youth ministries through Bible studies, scripture memory programs, personal devotional books and Christian service programs. They are also involved through outreach events in the community.


Our partners teach at a mission training school, Center for Intercultural Training CIT) in North Carolina. There they use their knowledge and experience to train future missionaries.


These partners record the Gospel and basic Christian teaching materials for small unreached people groups in their own language as many of these people cannot read or do not have these materials written down. They build relationships with local people, identify translators, prepare scripts, and record, edit and distribute the recordings in small villages throughout Southeast Asia.


Partners work with church leaders in Eurasia & Southeast Asia to build healthy and dynamic churches that are not based on tradition. Through his books he helps pastors and church leaders covering many aspects of theology and church leadership. His wife coordinates Christian resources to be used in homes and churches, helping women to become better wives and mothers.